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Secure Travel Operations with Automated Verifications

GlobalPass’s KYC and AML solutions stand as your fortress, ensuring every transaction is legitimate and every customer is verified. Automate and streamline your verification processes, dedicating more time to creating memorable travel experiences while we safeguard your operations and build trust with your customers.

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Why Choose GlobalPass

At GlobalPass , we revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals navigate the complex landscape of identity verification and personal data management.

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Enhance Security, Prevent Fraud

In an industry frequently targeted by fraudsters, GlobalPass’s KYC processes are your first line of defense. Verify customer identities accurately, reducing the risk of identity theft, credit card fraud, and booking scams, safeguarding your operations and your customers' trust.

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Secure Operations Against Illicit Activities

Implementing GlobalPass’s AML measures strengthens the security of your travel services. Prevent the misuse of your offerings by screening clients against money laundering, human trafficking or terrorist financing databases, especially crucial for high-value transactions and luxury travel services.

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Boost Efficiency with Automation

With GlobalPass, automating the user verification process has never been easier. Increase operational efficiency, reduce manual labor, and focus on what you do best—providing unforgettable travel experiences.

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How It Works

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Verification result is delivered and proof is stored in back office

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GlobalPass matches the user’s selfie with the photo on ID document

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End-user uploads a photo of government-issued identity document

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Verification result is delivered and proof is stored in back office

Ready to get started with GlobalPass?

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    We care about your data in our privacy policy.